



Like Lindsay, Joe, our Technical Services Specialist, also works remotely, but without him we’d struggle to keep websites alive and functional. He ensures servers for websites stay active and problem-free. Joe also address any bugs and glitches that come up with client websites, makes sure our own Sayvee site is always running smoothly, and that our Kelowna web development projects transition to the web smoothly. On top of all that, he also provides technical support and makes sure clients don’t freak out over any computer problems they might experience.

When we do get to see Joe at the office, he’s always calm and chill. You’ll most often find him in his well-lit home office fixing and optimizing web systems, and maybe strumming the guitar.

So Joe, why did you choose to work at Sayvee?
I came into the Sayvee family when we brought in another company that was based in Vernon, and I was working for them at the time. I enjoy sharing knowledge, helping others, and I like a good technical challenge — Sayvee gives me a chance to dabble in all these areas.

In ten words or less can you describe your favourite part of your job?
Hands down, it’s helping people and seeing a great success!

If you could write your own job title for what you do here what would it be?
Elite Caffeine Consumer!   (Yes, sir! Already ahead of you on the important answers!)

Alright now we get into the real questions. First up: if you could only keep five possessions out of what you currently own what would they be and why?
My Ring, because it reminds me of someone special.
My Laptop, for without it I could not do my job, nay I would waste into oblivion.
My Guitar, because music is the colour of our lives.
My French Press, because coffee needs no explanation.
My Bicycle, I want to ride it where I like.

What would your ideal lunch look like, and what dessert would you pair with it?
Sushi! And.. Mango Sushi!

What’s one of the top five TV shows you’ve ever seen?
What kind of geek do you think I am? Star Trek The Next Generation 🙂

If you had to be trapped in a movie universe, what film would you want to be trapped in?
I would have said The Matrix because it’s my favourite movie, but who wants to be trapped in The Matrix?

What’s the spiciest meal you’ve ever had, and what’s the spiciest thing you’d be willing to eat?
I can’t remember the spiciest meal, though I think it had something to do with “Mega Death” sauce. I like to sample spicy foods with my Dad, and we get into all kinds of hot stuff.

If you had to become an inanimate object for a year, what object would you choose to be?
I’d like to be a mossy boulder in a remote rainforest and just be still.

What’s the craziest/weirdest conversation you’ve ever had?
You mean recently!? Haha. “Jerky with all the fixings” It was a Thanksgiving theme.

Let’s switch back to marketing, what’s one of your favourite ads you’ve seen?
I’ve always been partial to “Where’s the Beef”. It became iconic and ubiquitous for one really successful fast food chain.

What’s one aspect of your job you’d like to see future developments for that would make it easier?
I don’t think I’d like my job to be easier. I’d like to automate some of the things I do manually; that could help speed things up a bit.

Thanks for taking the time to answer, Joe! Look forward in the coming months to more interviews with the superb, smiling, suave, and savvy Sayvee team!

Post Author

Picture of Andrew Buckley

Andrew Buckley

Andrew likes to write. And that's a good thing because he's good at it. He likes Canada, the UK, and of course, pop tarts.